Shipping Innovation

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Nordic Hub of innovation

We’re creating the Nordic Hub of creativity & innovation and the most effective launchpad for disruption.

Some of today’s biggest problems require physical space and physical prototyping to accelerate iteration and early stage validation.
AgriTech &
SmartCity &
Mobility &
Circular Economy
Five people chatting
We bring together entrepreneurs, industry leaders, researchers from leading universities and institutions, and the investment community into one physical space.
Laser cutting
The early stage startups at MagasinX are ambitious, cutting-edge and consistently delivering results not possible anywhere else.

We are the most effective launchpad for the next generation of full stack impact startups.

We only support startups that combine profitability with positive social or environmental impact.

Frihamnen has been a hub connecting Swedish businesses to the world for more than 100 years. And through cycles as world leader in manufacturing, design, telecom, etc.
Let's continue together!

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